Thursday, October 29, 2009

Made my outfit.

So I got my outfit done. Still no photos, hoping tonight.
I made the shirt, I really like it. BUT I either added to much extra to the measurements cause I have to much fabric in the shirt. I am going to remake it with some more plain fabric. This time a blue cotton I got to make a skirt from, and downsize it some. I also know that a white bedsheet is very thin and not a good using to up-cycle into single lay clothing. Since it is halloween and I will have extra on with it, it will work. If it works with the blue then I am going to make it with some black,white and yellow I have. I want to try it as a dress too, but that willl have to wait.
After the shirt once or twice more, I have 3 pair of wool longies to make, some fleece ones, a fleece poncho and mittens for Isabella, then need to start on Christmas.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My outfit

I have moved on to my Halloween outfit. The skirts are done, I had a brown petite coat style skirt already so i made a over skirt for it.
I just never got around to, or the nerve to do the top and corset. Well tonight I have the top cut out, but not sewn. I can not sew when the kids are sleeping as the machine wakes them up. Which makes finding time to sew very hard.
I cute all the pieces out to my top. Since I am being thrifty for Halloween I used an old bed sheet. I wanted a white top and we had a twin bed sheet, well we don't own a twin bed so why keep it :) So using the link that is also at the bottom for a nursing top I got my scissors out and started measuring and cutting.
Now I have 2 sleeves, a front, back and a skirt waiting for my machine to be usable.
I am working on how to make an easy corset. I have 2 simple ideas but one will be a over breast vest style and one is an under breast style. I can not pick which to make, if I had more time I would do both, but it is Monday night and I only have till Friday, plus I have 2 or 3 other things to do by then also. Pros to the under breast is I can nurse easier in it, but the over breast is more flattering to my figure, or at lest I can hide more with it I think.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gadgets and gizmos

I love my gadgets and I love my husband cause he loves to buy me gizmo's and gadgets.
I have been wanting a ereader(like Kendell) for sometime. Well he just got me the Sony prs reader. It is great ton of books, removable memory card. BUT the nicest thing is I can read pdf so I can keep my patterns from online on it :)
As I was reading my book while the kids are 'camping out' in the living room, it hit me I can save all my patterns and have them right there like my cookbooks :) I do think that this is a reason to buy at lest 2 more memory cards, one for cookbooks and one for patterns though, wonder if hubby will go for it LOL
Now that I can have all my patterns in one place and not printed all over the house and re-cycled in to planes, boats or an art masterpiece. Since I will now have all my patterns and where they came from in one place, I am going to make sure that anything I make from or from altering a pattern I found online I will make sure to link. Also I am going to make a 2nd list under My Cohorts in Creativity for all the links I use to make stuff so it will be in one easy to find place along with each item.
So far most of my Halloween items have been basic no pattern or anything. Skirts are pretty basic and the vest was traced from a vest in the closet. Nothing to hard. The tutu's I got a good how to from you tube so that will be linked.
So yes the weekend is over, at lest for us in Asia, but no I did not get any photos taken. They will be up this week though.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


That is a better title, randomness.. But chaos fits too. My life is full of both, randomness and chaos. As a mom of 7 kids it might be more chaos then randomness, although my thoughts are at the best random...
I have always loved sewing and crafts. Although time to get to either is hard at the best.
I am hoping to get more time to sew and create.
I started with a friend(see side links) and we made Halloween costumes this year for the kids.
In the past I have mainly patched things and made some cloth diapers for the babies.

The upside of being in Korea is a great fabric at great prices.

The 1st set of post starting this weekend, will be of the Halloween outfits that I have made.
Then I will move into the cute longies I am making for Isabella and on to clothing from there.